Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Computer Vision 1-Course Curriculum

Learn A-Z Computer Vision in 15 days 

In this Computer Vision lecture, we will cover the Course Curriculum

  1. Image Basics with OpenCV
    1. Read, Show & Write Image
    2. Draw Images
    3. Color Space
  2. Image Processing/Manipulation
    1. Blurring
    2. Sharpening
    3. Cropping
    4. Resize
    5. Scaling
    6. Translation
    7. Brightening & Darkening
    8. Thresholding, Binarization & Adaptive Thresholding
    9. Gradient
    10. Morphological Operators
    11. Bitwise Operators
    12. Blending
  3. Video Basics  with OpenCV
    1. Video Capture
    2. Video Writer
  4. Object Detection with OpenCV
    1. Contour
    2. Sorting Contour
    3. Contours Moment
    4. Convex hull
    5. Edge Detection
    6. Line Detection
    7. Feature detection
    8. Watershed Algorithm
    9. Haar cascade face detection
    10. Dlib

In the next Blog, we will discuss Image Basics with OpenCV.


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